What's been going on? I'm knitting less, spinning more, making some hooks...(perhaps I will have to change the name of my blog to Spinmeister). Sometimes after even just a couple hours of knitting my wrist just kills so I have been avoiding it more and more. It's a bummer because there are still many things I really want to make. I just have to dole out the knitting time a little at a time.
I started a weight loss program not long ago and am already seeing good results. So it is very encouraging. I have cut alcohol completely out and not only has it made a huge impact in my ability to drop pounds, but wow has my mood improved! I guess it is to be expected since it is a depressant....and to think all that time I thought it was making me feel better! Anyway, today I met my first "mile marker" goal and celebrated by treating myself to one of those cute Pandora charm necklaces and one bead. I plan to add another each time I pass a mile marker in my weight loss journey.
We found out Monday that our oldest Jack Russell, Barkley, has cancer. He has been losing weight and it finally became apparent that something was terribly wrong. It wasn't leveling off. I thought maybe he was just thinning down due to his advancing age, but no. I arranged for a long lunch from work and took him to the doctor who kept him for the rest of the afternoon for x-rays and blood tests, etc. When I came back after work I was met by a veterinarian with a long sad face and an ugly picture on the x-ray viewer. You could see the spots all over his lungs. We have been battling nausea and vomiting but(fingers crossed)the last 24 hours have been puke-free. Here's to hoping that a weekend in the country will do him some good.