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October 01, 2008



oh sweetie, I am so sorry. Your Willie looks so much like my Clio. Grey kitty snuggles and headbutts coming your way from her, and hugs and good thoughts from me.


Oh no, I am so sorry. I hope Willy didn't suffer in the end, and I bet he had a good life. 19 is an impressive age for a cat; you must have lots of memories. I just got back from the vet with my Pipie who looks exactly like Willy and had me worried for the past two days. A big hug to you and a squeeze for Petey (he looks so cute).


I'm so sorry about Willy. She was such a good kitty.

shannon in oregon

rest in peace little friend...


My condolences. It's so, so hard. I just lost one of my little ones. We have to be comforted by the fact that we gave them good live, much better ones than they would have had without us. We just don't ever get to have them long enough.


You have all my sympathies. He looks like such a sweetheart of a kitty.


I'm so sorry. I know you gave Willie the greatest life a cat could have. :(




Oh, I'm so very sorry. I know you'll miss Willy for a very long time.



Kat R

I just met you on Ravelry and jumped over to your blog to check it out. I'm so sorry to see that you lost your kitty. They are such a blessing. Prayers for peace and love to you and yours.


Oh no...many hugs to you and the fur family!


I'm very sorry about Willy. Many hugs to you.

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