It's a Jigamathingaroundyourneck. I received six balls of Rowan Denim recently for renewing my subscription to the magazine and decided to try this pattern out with it. I only used two of the six balls to complete this neck warmer. I omitted the baubles at the points and am going to sew some little round silver beads on instead. I didn't want to crochet them in because I wanted to try the dip bleaching and I was afraid the bleach would ruin the beads.
It really only took me the weekend to whip this puppy out. I spent a good part of the day Saturday on it, and by Sunday morning my left wrist was in agony. I couldn't even pick up a coffee cup. I think I've pretty much come to the conclusion that it only hurts when I I don't think I'm going to be knitting as much in my future and there is no hope that I will make it through my yarn in my lifetime. As a result I'm unloading a good portion of my stash. I'm sorting through the sock yarn first and am leaning towards keeping the solids because I like to use them to do small standed projects like mittens and hats. I'm going to list everything on Destashforcash first and then I will probably post them to the Destash group on Ravelry if they don't sell the first time around.
It's beautiful! The dip-bleach looks great.
I'm truly sorry about your wrist. That's awful. But who knows--maybe it'll lead you to explore new fibery things and you'll find something you love even more!
Posted by: Maggie | October 15, 2008 at 02:07 AM
Posted by: Chery | October 15, 2008 at 08:22 AM
I might have to make an early perusal of your destash...
Posted by: kristin | October 15, 2008 at 09:57 AM
I love the bleached out gradation. I am really sorry that you have to slow down your knitting considerably because of the wrist. Maybe if you go easy on it for a while (a long while perhaps), you'll be able to get back to it eventually.
Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Posted by: Francesca | October 15, 2008 at 07:16 PM
GORGEOUS project - the dip bleaching is lovely -- I must find directions -- do you have a link?
Also, can you please email me -- I need to speak with you about your Destash post.
Posted by: TheSockKnitter | October 17, 2008 at 10:33 PM