I got a kitchen pass this weekend, so no trip to the cabin for me. I'm going to veg out by myself and make art(and water new lawn and plants of course). I went to the Yarn Barn yesterday on a little road trip with my nephew. (He sold his laptop on Craigslist and wanted a chaperone with him to drop it off.) Anyway, while at the barn I picked up some Jacob roving, so I'm looking forward to giving that a whirl (pun intended). I also have some hooks to make, two I promised as a prize giveaway on Ravelry and one custom order, plus I have a couple other ideas stewing so I will probably be listing some on Etsy by the end of the weekend. I also picked up some very cool shoes at Arensberg's while in Lawrence. Dig them...
I suppose you can't tell from the photo that they're clogs, but they are. I see myself wearing these even in the winter (with hand knit socks, of course).
I spun some Cormo on the new cherry wheel last week and took it to the cabin. I started a pair of fingerless mitts and I plan to felt them a little when I have them both knit so I'm sure to make them identical. I did find someone to make bobbins for me for the new wheel. His name is Carl Jaeger. I bought bobbins from him for my Jensen last year and so I emailed to see if he could make bobbins for me again for this new wheel. He had me send him the flyer and bobbin and whorl and he just emailed yesterday that he can make them and will have them done by the time my check makes it to him in the mail!
Oops, almost forgot to mention that YAY! I lost another pound! Down 9.6 now. slowly but surely, slowly but surely